Thank you for all the entries we've had in our Fanzine competition.
A few weeks back we asked you to complete the following sentence -
'(In an ideal world)I would like to say cheerio to...'
We can't print all of them in the Fanzine, so we thought it would be cool to post a whole load of our favourite answers so you can see exactly what fellow readers would like to say 'cheerio to'...

"wrinkled shirts, sour milk, John Lennon, & dusty Carpets"
Aarron, Reading
"My grandparents"
Sam Foreman, Brighton
"Watercress, The Queen, Aids & Flatulence"
Tamar Levi, London
"cheerio to the grim dirge of the deranged in Morrisons at 16.00 on a Wednesday. "

Neil Amon
"Cheerio to gangs of drunk chavs on buses with loud garage music playing off their mobile phones... the nanny state... and that annoying bint who plays Stacey in Eastenders."
Becki Burrows, London
"losers..users, substance abusers....and george bush."
Jody Faulkner, London
"Well, the only thing that springs to mind that I feel strongly about is injustice...did I say injustice? I meant coriander...this evil substance added to otherwise delicious food renders it inedible. Lately it seems to have become the fashion to insert this vile plant into all dishes as a final touch...more like the kiss of death in my book...coriander you murderer, you've ruined my burrito."

Matty Harris, Newcastle
"cheerio to wasps ruining picnics......their getting bigger as well"

Joni Kähkönen, Finland
"(In an ideal world) I would like to say cheerio to wars and unnecessary violence, 'cos if we even could get rid of those things the world would be so much better place to be in and maybe we all could just hold hands and sing about nice things, like birds, rainbows and WinterKids."
"Holly Willoughby when I leave for work in the morning...?"

We'll notify those of you who will get their answers printed in the fanzines...meanwhile, if anyone else can think of any others, feel free to message them over. We did say closing time is today, but the fanzines havent been printed yet, so theres still a bit of time to get a few more answers in!!!
Enjoy the weekend